Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary School.

My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to the families of all affected.
"[Children who] had their entire lives ahead of them, birthdays graduations, weddings, kids of their own." as President Obama said.

It is a reminder to cherish every moment that you have. Life is unpredictable. Every moment is precious.

Take time to say a prayer and remember the families in Newtown. There are no comforting words that can be spoken. It is a time to mourn right now.

My cousin said it best, "Hug your children or your loved ones cause you really don't know what life will throw at you!!! I am truly grateful for my children and can not image what these poor parents in CT are feeling right now! I ask that God will be with them and all of us and our children."

Please feel free to post the momento below to show love and support for that community.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Neoscape Internship

So recently I got an internship at a place called Neoscape. It is a design visualization company that focuses on architecture.
You can check them out here: 
although their latest work can be viewed via their youtube channel:
Neoscape on youtube

They do some pretty amazing photo realistic renderings, and I am learning a lot here.
One of the things that I wanted to share with you are some Max scripts. The Glue script in particular really helped me to quickly set dress a scene. What is does is literally in the name is glues objects to a surface according to their pivot points.
So, say you have a hilly field and you want to populate it with trees. you can set up the trees in the top view and then once they are in place on the x and y axis you glue them to the surface, being the hill, and it will calculate the z axis for you. And if what I just said makes no sense to you go to the website:

You will find the plugin there for FREE along with some really handy others.
Good Luck! and Happy modeling :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

3D Architecture

I have decided to try my hand at 3D Architecture. Here are the first attempts at the Barcelona Pavilion. Keep in Mind this is the first architecture I have ever attempted. I'll post the actual picture then my recreation. Click for larger images.

Barcelona Pavilion 3D Rendering

Barcelona Pavilion Actual Photo

Barcelona Pavilion Actual Photo

Barcelona Pavilion 3D Rendering (weird shadows on the glass)

Barcelona Pavilion 3D Rendering

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Polishing up the Good Ol' Portfolio

Come on out and show your support!
Also, here are some of the pieces that I am going to include in my booklet.

The Dragon is now in 1080p! Click to see his detail.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

3d Solidyte Model

So, I recently got my cannon rider modeled in 3d. This means that they printed a model based from the mesh that I created in Zbrush and 3ds Max. It had to be properly unwrwpped and prepared in order to be ready for printing.
Find out more at the companies website:
They are a small company and more than happy to answer questions.

Here are some pictures of the final product:

Monday, June 25, 2012

still trucking...

I have been avidly working on my short film that I want to have completed by the Beginning of August. I now have to do all the animating. Here are some quick renders of what I have so far. There is some more texturing that I have to do, but other than that I can start animating.

Friday, June 15, 2012

This is a logo that I did really quickly to promote... myself. 
Hey, if you don't believe in yourself who will, right?
Programs used: 3dsMax

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Animated Short

I have been hard at work on an animated short that I will be finishing up in August. It follows the story of a toy maker and what happens in his shop when he is out for the night. Check out my other blogs for updates on the story process. I just figured I'd let you know what I have been working so hard to accomplish.

The following is a link to the production blog I have started to follow my process, if you are interested.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What I have been up to lately.

I have been working quite a bit lately and have neglected my blog. But not to worry, I have new things to post!

 The first video that I have for you is my general demo reel, it encompases all the work I have done over the past 3 years, leaving a lot out of course :)

I have also just finished work on a promotional video for the CBLDF. For those of you who are not familiar with them, it is a group of lawyers who specialize in the first amendment rights of comic book writers, readers and illustrators. 
The following is a video to help them raise funds at various events that they attend across the country and around the world.