Monday, October 8, 2012

Neoscape Internship

So recently I got an internship at a place called Neoscape. It is a design visualization company that focuses on architecture.
You can check them out here: 
although their latest work can be viewed via their youtube channel:
Neoscape on youtube

They do some pretty amazing photo realistic renderings, and I am learning a lot here.
One of the things that I wanted to share with you are some Max scripts. The Glue script in particular really helped me to quickly set dress a scene. What is does is literally in the name is glues objects to a surface according to their pivot points.
So, say you have a hilly field and you want to populate it with trees. you can set up the trees in the top view and then once they are in place on the x and y axis you glue them to the surface, being the hill, and it will calculate the z axis for you. And if what I just said makes no sense to you go to the website:

You will find the plugin there for FREE along with some really handy others.
Good Luck! and Happy modeling :)