Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fish and monkeys and dragons... oh my!

Hey, it's been awhile since I last posted. 

I did the following for my Advanced 3d final, it was a 3 week assignment. I am going to re render to fis some lighting issues and facial morphs. But this is it as of yet.

The one below I did for my mid tern in advanced 3d. We teamed up with the advanced 2d class. We did the backgrounds and they did the animation, the following is the result

The character below frustrated me, mostly because I didn't think about it before doing it.
This was a 2 week assignment.

 The video below is from last semester, I don't think that I ever posted it though. 
I didn't get to finish it. It was another 3 week assignment.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Elephant in the desert

If you haven't figured it out by now, I love elephants. Here is a clip from Finding Nemo that I used to animate to. I ran into trouble with the rig and never did get around to doing any facial morphs... perhaps one day I will though.  Enjoy :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

3d Car crash - Midnight Mirage

Here's a car crash that we did for an assignment in advanced 3d animation, enjoy!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

3d Final - First 3d Animation Class

So here is the final that I did for my basic 3d animation class.

The following is part 2 of my final, it is a compilation of the semesters best work.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Some new 3d - Biped stuff.

Ok, so once again I have school work to show off... nothing too special, just cold hard animaiton. Enjoy! :)

This last one is still in process, but here is the first render...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Some new stuff... 2d and 3d animation

So here is what I have been working on, it is all school stuff, but I figured you may enjoy it.

Enjoy! :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Part 1 - The Grass is Always Greener

Ladies and Gentleman the moment you have been waiting for (or at least I have been waiting for)... drumroll please ...DDDDDDRRRRRRRRRRUUUUMMMM..... The first part of a 2 part short (sorry about that but it's for school so I am doing it in their timing)


Enjoy :)

...and of course a very humble thank you to God.

Friday, April 15, 2011

ZBrush - Captain Fancypants

ok, so here is my ZBrush final. He was a pirate and then he was a patriot and then a pirate again and then a patriot again, so this poor guy is having an identity crisis. But, whatever he is, here he is. Enjoy :)

(click for larger images)

I still have to render out a turn around that I am happy with. I'll post it when I do.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My version of the little mermaid...

Okay, so she didn't come out nearly as cool as I wanted her to. But to save time and lots of frustration I'm going to have to leave her alone for now. Maybe sometime in the future I'll do more with her, but for now this is how she is. So, I guess I am going to have to just deal with it...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

3d model videos... ones that I never posted

So here is my finalized African Tikiman, you tube didn't mess up the quality too badly...

Also, here is my body that I did last semester, I never posted the video...

As well as Baja Betty's, a local restaurant...

...and while I'm at it here is my 2d midterm from a week ago...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tikiman - 99.9% done

I have the slightest bit of detail to still do on him (like his hair line)... but other than that, I think he's looking good :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Beginning stages of my zbrush final...

Here it is, the beginning of my final in zbrush. I decided to use my room for inspiration and do a tiki man. Seeing as my room is covered in carvings, masks, tiki men and other African paraphernalia, it is only appropriate.. enjoy :)

(click images for a larger size)

So this is just the beginning, he will have a lot more detail including a grass skirt and jewelery and what not.

I have also included (for your viewing pleasure) some of my collection of African stuff...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

zbrush - flying fish

Click for larger images....
This week we had to do something flying, I chose a fish. Techincally they don't fly they soar when they jump out of the water, google it. But whatever.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Some movies.....

Some animation tests that I did for homework... also there is a turnaround for my zbrush character, the low poly model is included in the turnaround.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

funny zbrush...

This was an in class model manipulation that I did. I say that because zbrush comes pre loaded with a dog model, I just put my own take on him. I made him a different breed and gave him a sweater. Hes very angry that I made him wear that sweater.

first models in zbrush!

So here are the first two models that i have done in zbrush :) I hope you like them.

as always... click for a larger size!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A forest background...

I am very unhappy with this I just am not sure what to do... I think I need to step away and come back to it later. That being said, here are two versions of another back ground that I am working on.
and here it is with out the tree in the fore ground... it works a bit better.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Background design...

So here is my first official, legit background... ever... oh what kind of can of worms have I opened?
As usual, click the image for a larger size, enjoy.

Here is a second and final version of the background. I'm still not very happy with it.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

2.5D Painting - Muscles

So I started Learning z-brush... here is some 2.5D digital painting that I did... enjoy :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I didn't forget about the blog, but with the beginning of the semester and all it is hard to get things up.
So check me out on youtube.

Phrenetia - Just click on that for my channel

enjoy :)